Time to get a little used to this writing and reflecting thingy.
Been a busy girl...worky worky, travel...training. Getting focused, and trying to look ahead to this Run Across America thing. More to come on that. As I prepared for my spin class last week I came across an awesome little article. Good timing with the beginning of Lent, and all that silly stuff....
and we come to, dum da da dum...
Really? But I thought this was awesome. They not only apply to training for a race, or training for a triathlon, or for cycling...but for any aspect of preparation in life. So just wanted to share it here, and have a place to look back, remember them and all that good stuff. Here they are!
1. Train Moderately
2. Train Consistently
3. Get Adequate Rest
4. Train With a Plan
5. Train With Groups
6. Plan to Peak
7. Improve Weaknesses
8. Trust Your Training
9. Listen to Your Body
10. Commit to Goals
Sounds pretty easy right?? Take what you will...some are better than others...but I think they are good points to remember when we are in the midst of prepping ourselves for our next race, or just setting any bit of fitness goals! Good stuff! And back to the laboratory I gooooo! PEACE OUT.